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Author: Jo Armour (Jo Armour)
Costa Spanish latte
Get a taste of sunshine with Costa’s new Spanish latte, available hot or iced. Enjoy the iconic Costa flavours mixed with a condensed milk flavoured syrup and topped with cappuccino dusting.
Chopstix Flavour Savour menu
Chopstix have launched their Flavour Savour menu, offering delicious flavours at a lower cost. Enjoy a bite on the go with the £2.99 topper pots, or pick up a quick snack with the one of the savour six for just £1.49! Choose between the savour six options below: 3 vegetable spring rolls 3 salt &...
Valentine’s gifts ideas at Waverley Market
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so if you’re looking for some inspiration for Valentine’s gifts, look no further. Find the perfect gift for your loved ones at Waverley Market. Valentine’s gifts for him Gaming fans will appreciate a new game for Valentine’s Day, whether that’s one he’s been eyeing up for months or...